CoVid 19

Jesse Porter
2 min readApr 3, 2022

Amazing, is it not, that so much is known about subvariants of CoVid? And hardly anything became known at first about the first ones released.

I say released advisedly. CoVid was always well known to those who released it on mass populations, for that was exactly what it was created for by the US-China collaboration to be and to do.

It was and is a tool for population control, in former times known as weapon of mass destruction. Communist collaborators in our government and in China’s worked together to modify naturally occurring viruses, normally found in remote locations, in species not often known to mix with human populations, enhanced to make them more transmissible to humans, in order to create biological weapons. Then, perhaps accidentally, but not necessarily, released from one of their labs, again, perhaps, to track its spread.

No doubt, much more virulent strains have not yet been released, but armed with the piles of data they have collected from CoVid, they are now able to release wherever and in what quantities they desire, to reduce populations to what they consider “sustainable.” Some of them have already let slip that they consider a reduction of ninety percent advisable.

Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and their like have proven themselves not only willing but anxious to achieve such results. For a hundred fifty years, governments have demonstrated their willingness to destroy large swathes of civilian populations in times of war. It is a small step to make the leap to taking out billions of people in relatively peace times. They will not hesitate to unleash mass destruction on humanity.



Jesse Porter

A life-long reader and thinker. I have read approximately 10,000 books and have a personal library of about 4,000. Assoc degree in theology, BA in English, MBA.