RE: Death of Queen Elizabeth II

Jesse Porter
2 min readSep 9, 2022


It is to be hoped that we will now see the end of royalty. It is very unsettling to me that so many Americans practically worship royalty. A people who revolted from the dominion of King George III and founded a new government designed (not infallibly) to be and remain self-governing ought to preserve the memory of the cruelty of royal rule, the governing by the whims of a fellow human being, having the mind-set of one who deserves by divine right to be master of others.

Briton recently experienced being ruled by others — the EU — and ultimately voted themselves out. Why in God’s name do they not vote themselves out of the leech-like royalty completely. They pour billions into the some of the richest, most arrogant families in the world, in exchange for what? Getting their necks stepped on.

What am I saying? Aren’t Americans doing the same? Don’t we submit to very similar things when we re-elect congressmen for decades, and presidents who live like kings? And spend more than half of our incomes to a government that violates nearly every principle that our Constitution supposedly protects? Our politicians and many of our public “servants” even swear upon taking office to protect our constitution, yet we allow them to break their oaths with importunity.

We the people do not even understand our own Constitution, nor our own rights. We live like peons, bowing and scraping before people who are no more worthy of rule than any royalty. Revolution or anarchy is not the answer. The answer is to read and live by the Constitution, to take our responsibilities to govern ourselves, and force our representatives, local, state and federal, to govern by the restraints they swear to.

We have school board members, county and city commissioners, mayors, state and federal representatives, senators, governors and presidents and thousands of appointed officials who attempt to reign over us. It’s long past time for us reign them in, and learn to govern ourselves. Long live independent citizens.

Douglas Giles wrote a good article on Medium, and I agree, as a person Elizabeth II was, comparatively, a good person. And, although royalty in largely symbolic in Briton today, I argue that it should be abolished.

Certainly, in America, royalty is not something to be admired nor longed for, for it violates much of what was foundational to America. The Declaration of Independence states very clearly the abhorrence some of our founders had for monarchy.

Because of the natural human tendency to being corrupted by power, it is much more likely that bad people will fill powerful positions. Many of our presidents, congressional representatives, senators, as well as those appointed to positions have been bad, sometimes evil, people. To voluntarily bow and scrape to such is to beg to be slaves.

Marcus Aurelius and Queen Elizabeth are extremely rare examples of good people, and certainly are insufficient support of royalty.



Jesse Porter

A life-long reader and thinker. I have read approximately 10,000 books and have a personal library of about 4,000. Assoc degree in theology, BA in English, MBA.